MURPHYS-HSFS-2014 - 7th International Workshop on Multi-Rate Processes & Hysteresis, 2nd International Workshop on Hysteresis and Slow-Fast Systems, April 7-11, 2014 - Abstract

Schöll, Eckehard

Spontaneous symmetry-breaking, oscillation death, and chimera states in dynamical networks

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in systems of nonlocally coupled oscillators can lead to various spatio-temporal patterns, for instance partial synchronization, or the stabilization of inhomogeneous steady states (oscillations death), or chimera states, which consist of coexisting domains of spatially coherent (synchronized) and incoherent (desynchronized) dynamics. We describe the scenarios leading from complete coherence to complete incoherence via chimera states, and report on novel forms of these states in terms of multi-chimeras etc. We also show that oscillation death can be controlled by introducing time-delayed coupling.