Localized Structures in Dissipative Nonlinear Systems - Abstract

Tran, Truong

Raman multi-peak solitons in photonic crystal fibers

In this talk we shall provide a full theoretical understanding of the recent observations of excitation of Raman 2-peak states in solid-core photonic crystal fibers. Based on a 'gravity-like' potential approach we derive simple equations for the 'magic' peak power ratio and the temporal separation between pulses forming these 2-peak states. We develop a model to calculate the magic input power of the input pulse around which the phenomenon can be observed. We also predict the existence of exotic multipeak states that strongly violate the perturbative pulse splitting law, and we study their stability and excitation conditions.
The formation of multipeak localised structures supported by the Raman effect turns out to be a fundamental and surprisingly common process occurring in the region of deep anomalous dispersion in photonic crystal fibers. We have demonstrated numerically - using some hints from experiments - that the complexity of the GNLSE allows the existence of 3-peak states. Even though such states are much less robust than 2-peak states, they can survive for at least several tens of dispersion lengths.