Localized Structures in Dissipative Nonlinear Systems - Abstract

Rosanov, Nikolay

Few-cycle dissipative optical solitons

Prediction of few-cycle pulses that are of great importance for many fields of current physics, chemistry, and biology, includes indications of ways of their formation. To model these pulses, it is necessary to avoid the standard approximations of slowly varying envelope, unidirectional propagation and so on. For pulses with finite energy, 1D-Maxwell equations have some exact integrals of motion, including magnetic and electric pulse areas. These relations are valid for any media, including inhomogeneous ones, and are useful for check of physically correct models of nonlinear propagation of few-cycle pulses. We present simulations with few-cycle dissipative solitons in a number of schemes with coherent amplification and absorption on the basis of the 1D-wave equation for the full electric field and the Bloch equations as constitutive equations for the medium. First, considered is a matrix with active (with pump) and passive (no pump) dopants. If the matrix is transparent, video-pulses can be formed. Taking into account the matrix IR- and UV-absorption spectral bands, video-pulses are impossible, and few-cycle pulses appear. Second, inclusion of conductivity of medium free carriers also provides possibility of few-cycle formation. Third, a new mechanism is demonstrated in this scheme with pulses circulating inside a cavity with partially reflecting mirrors ? an attosecond mode-locked laser with generation of one-cycle pulse directly from the laser oscillator.

Co-authors: V.V. Kozlov, N.V. Vyssotina, S. Wabnitz